Monday, 6 February 2012

20 per cent do 80% of the work!

The 80/20 principle:

The 'Pareto Principle', the 80/20 principle, is another factor worth considering when establishing my own network. The 'Pareto Principle', named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who noted during the early part of the last century that 80 per cent of all land in Italy was owned by 20 per cent of the population. the same pattern occurred, he realised, in how people worked, generated ideas and owned wealth-in all cases the few (20 per cent) did the majority of the work, had the most ideas and owned the majority of the wealth.

Networks follow the same principle: within them 20% of the members are responsible for for generating fully 80% of the ideas. This is the reason why you eventually see 'super-nodes' or 'clusters'developing in all networks, as those 20 % become more visible through the ideas they generate.

(Raymond, 2010)

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