Here is a link to my survey:
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
My survey: Is beauty in the eye of the beholder of the media?
My Research Methods
network were used in:
focus Group (initially the concept of physical attractiveness derived from a discussion i had with my boyfriend and friends)
networking; Facebook groups
survey; ‘Survey Monkey’
Qualitative data: were the Focus Group/ Discussion- what peoples thoughts were in both the discussion and survey
Quantitative data: the close end questions I asked in my survey; such as age, gender and ethnicity.
People in wealthy areas are perceived to be the most attractive
An article in 'The Guardian', spoke about a survey that was conducted on whether there were a connection in where the borough you lived in London, and how attractive you were. The results showed that people who lived in the more wealthier areas in London, were the most attractive compared to people who lived in Dagenham and Haringey, being the least attractive.
To be honest, our western society, feeds off of consumerism and capitalism-and what do they (elites) think sells? Their ideology of attractiveness. It is sad when, flicking the channels over and suddenly stop in shock when viewing a girl no older than nine, having her face painted with full make-up? and her ambitions in life are the petty issues of "wanting to get my teeth bleached". Is the media idea of beauty affecting us in some sort of way? i say inevitably yes.
This question led to other hypothesises
such as:
the effect of the media causing increase in cosmetic surgery?
unachievable idea of “beauty” could possibly be the cause of eating disorders among
craze of going to the gym not just for health wise but for a physical appeal
An online article: 'What's the first thing notice about the opposite sex?'
The Cosmopolitan Magazine had an article, 'What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?', about what was the first thing the opposite sex found attractive about the other; it showed that the male blogger that was interviewed admitted that the first thing he noticed was a woman's cleavage (no surprise there), whereas the female counterpart noticed a man's height and smile- says a lot really.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Being Attractive Helps Get You Hired
So can being more attractive give you more of an advantage to getting a job compared to someone who was not "blessed" in that area?
Here is an online article about just that >>>
What makes us attractive?
found this interesting article about what makes certain people in our society attractive and why. check it out....
strangely enough one thing i did want to put in my survey was a series of images if different faces, and find out whether the media's ideology of attractiveness (in a woman for this instance) was similar to peoples preferences.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Deciding where to go in this project...
So, I have come to conclusion that delving (yep, there goes that word again)into the topic of physical attractiveness would have a rather interesting outcome, especially from the both viewpoints of women but more interestingly men. We live in a society where the media heavily influences our viewpoint on what we THINK is attractive, and this can affect our daily routines; for example going on a diet to look like the next Scarlett Johansson; finding yourself looking at your reflection more often than usual on your daily commute (admit it you do it too) and so on.
I'm going to do a cross between Qualitative data and Quantitative, using a survey from '' and using various social networking site (netnography) for more discussions.
... So do YOU think beauty is in the eye of the beholder OR in the cunning eye of the media?
I'm going to do a cross between Qualitative data and Quantitative, using a survey from '' and using various social networking site (netnography) for more discussions.
... So do YOU think beauty is in the eye of the beholder OR in the cunning eye of the media?
Research Methods:
The types of data sampling:
Quantitative: "The use of sampling techniques (such as consumer surveys) whose findings may be expressed numerically, and are amenable to mathematical manipulation enabling the researcher to estimate future events or data".
Qualitative: To generate ideas; "Data that approximate or characterize but does not measure the attributes, characteristics, properties etc; of a thing or phenomenon".
Ethnography or Netnography: "Detailed study or a graph to describe its behaviour, characteristics, cultural mores etc."
The types of data sampling:
Quantitative: "The use of sampling techniques (such as consumer surveys) whose findings may be expressed numerically, and are amenable to mathematical manipulation enabling the researcher to estimate future events or data".
Qualitative: To generate ideas; "Data that approximate or characterize but does not measure the attributes, characteristics, properties etc; of a thing or phenomenon".
Ethnography or Netnography: "Detailed study or a graph to describe its behaviour, characteristics, cultural mores etc."
Monday, 6 February 2012
20 per cent do 80% of the work!
The 80/20 principle:
The 'Pareto Principle', the 80/20 principle, is another factor worth considering when establishing my own network. The 'Pareto Principle', named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who noted during the early part of the last century that 80 per cent of all land in Italy was owned by 20 per cent of the population. the same pattern occurred, he realised, in how people worked, generated ideas and owned wealth-in all cases the few (20 per cent) did the majority of the work, had the most ideas and owned the majority of the wealth.
Networks follow the same principle: within them 20% of the members are responsible for for generating fully 80% of the ideas. This is the reason why you eventually see 'super-nodes' or 'clusters'developing in all networks, as those 20 % become more visible through the ideas they generate.
(Raymond, 2010)
The 'Pareto Principle', the 80/20 principle, is another factor worth considering when establishing my own network. The 'Pareto Principle', named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who noted during the early part of the last century that 80 per cent of all land in Italy was owned by 20 per cent of the population. the same pattern occurred, he realised, in how people worked, generated ideas and owned wealth-in all cases the few (20 per cent) did the majority of the work, had the most ideas and owned the majority of the wealth.
Networks follow the same principle: within them 20% of the members are responsible for for generating fully 80% of the ideas. This is the reason why you eventually see 'super-nodes' or 'clusters'developing in all networks, as those 20 % become more visible through the ideas they generate.
(Raymond, 2010)
Delving in deeper...
In last week's lecture, we discussed about Paul Barron who created the different forms of network diagrams, this including:
- 'Centralised networks' (or hierarchical network) a network revolved around one dominant hub.
-'Decentralised networks' is a network with many central hubs, however, this is more secure compared to a centralised network, because if one hub disconnects this system can still work as there are many more hubs to connect to.
- 'Centralised networks' (or hierarchical network) a network revolved around one dominant hub.
-'Decentralised networks' is a network with many central hubs, however, this is more secure compared to a centralised network, because if one hub disconnects this system can still work as there are many more hubs to connect to.

Names of a few networking sites
In some way or another we belong to different forms of social networks; whether this be in real life or interactively. so here's just to list a few :
*Twitter *Facebook *Formspring *Blogspot *Tumblr
*Twitter *Facebook *Formspring *Blogspot *Tumblr
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